Ecosync provides the following VM services:
Protocols to determine the extent of electric system tree exposure
Statistical analysis to predict tree-caused outage frequency from tree exposure
Design of least cost vegetation management programs by synchronizing economics and ecology
Methods to minimize tree related outages
Economic impact modeling of vegetation management scenarios
Tree-caused outage modeling
Program and contractor efficacy assessments
Assessments of contractor compliance
Productivity measurements and monitoring
Development of sustainable vegetation management programs
Advice on public contact, public perception issues
Risk management and due diligence regarding vegetation management
Impact assessments and financial analysis of vegetation management programalternatives, modifications
Training for staff, contractors and stake holders in arboricultural practices, quantitative analysis, economics & statistics, ecological impacts of vegetation management methods, herbicides
Optimization of benefits of contracting
Research into vegetation management methods, herbicides and adjuvants
Expert witness testimony
Strategic thinking regarding vegetation management issues